All You Can Eat


All You Can Eat 〰️

I noticed a lot of what I felt compelled to draw and paint was food-related, and so did Matt Stallings, so why not have a show about it? My food preoccupation was probably tied to my my midwestern tastes clashing with my coastal California life. My friends there all thought it was hilarious that I liked Taco Bell. Was I a CLOWN to you people!?! Jk, I know I’m a clown. I also had to listen to quite a few ladies lamenting GMO’s and “big food” and “chemicals” in food during this time. Ah, the organic years. Remember that fake “pink slime” thing? Ugh. That’s over, right? We are just plant-based now? So yeah, another installment of a Matt Stallings show, where he brought the crowd and made the actually good art that would sell, and I got to do my little drawings and paintings of visual food puns. I still have the banana lady drawing in my kitchen.



San Diego, CA


November 21, 2015


Matt Stallings
Terri Mitchell